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Il Mostro Delle Acque Nere

"Il Mostro Delle Acque Nere (Monster of the Dark Waters)" is a serpentine eel-like dragon that is said to prowl the canals of port cities on especially dark nights. Its dark coloring allows it to camouflage itself in the murky waters of canals while its lithe form permits its enormous body to glide silently around the tightest bends and corners in the waterways. It avoids sunlight at all costs and will only hunt at night, preferably when there is little moonlight.

When it attacks, it will ambush from the water and attempt to pull its prey into the canal where it can constrict and drown it. Il Mostro Delle Acque Nere can attack on land as well with its powerful tail but that is a last resort as it prefers the advantage that the waters provide it.

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