Than Gibson Than Gibson

Dragonbane - Modern Sword and Sorcery Roleplaying

Dragonbane from Free League Press is a revival of the veteran Scandinavian RPG, Drakar och Demoner ("Dragons and Demons"). Originally based on Chaosium's Magic World, which was based on their Basic Roleplaying (also receiving its own revival!), this new version incorporates elements of Free League's Year Zero Engine. It then blends in classic Drakar och Demoner and modern 5e elements. The result is a refreshing RPG that feels familiar yet makes more sense than what you've expected from a fantasy RPG. Packaged in the excellent art direction and print quality expected from Free League, this is a game that anyone looking for a break from the usual fantasy RPG should pick up.

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Than Gibson Than Gibson

The One Ring Roleplaying Game

With the release of the Rings of Power series on Amazon Prime, people are now (for better or worse) talking about Middle-Earth again. This will inevitably lead some people to look for a role-playing game so they can create their own adventures in J.R.R. Tolkein's world.

The One Ring by Free League Publishing is perfect for players who want to journey there and back again.

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