Black Moors Waterways, Room 3

The Boiler

Taking the opening to the south in Room 2, the water channel takes a steep descent. The rushing water and slippery stone cause explorers to lose their footing (Dexterity Save DC 15) and tumble down the short waterslide. The channel ends at Room 3, where the water tumbles down 20 feet into a large stone cistern. Anyone sliding can make a Strength Save (DC 15) to stop themselves from going over the edge.

The water is hot and anyone approaching the room can feel the heat and steam. The water itself is 20 feet deep to the bottom where a dwarvish fire rune (Dispel Magic DC 15 suppresses the rune for 10 minutes, DC 25 dispels it permanently) is carved into the stone surface. Roll a d10 and set this as the number of rounds until the rune ignites again. When it does, the water becomes superheated and anyone in it takes 1d10 fire damage. Once the rune ignites, it resets the timer to 10 rounds and begins again.

At the bottom of the boiler, along the sides are 5-inch pipes behind iron grates that take the heated water up to the castle. There are also 5d6 copper pieces and a Gem of Brightness at the bottom of the boiler.

There are handholds that lead up next to the ledge where the water spills out and where a set of old, rusty iron stairs is bolted into the wall. These lead up to a 5 foot tall doorway at the top of the room. If more than 200 lbs is on it, the supports snap and the staircase gives way, dumping anyone on it into the water below. There are enough handholds left after this that someone could still make it to the top with either an Athletics or Acrobatics check (DC 17).


Black Moors Waterways, Room 4


Black Moors Waterways Room 2